Sulman Lab

Total Views: 426 Last 7 days Views: 133

Let's see how many previous finalists the Sulman Prize selection panel have tapped

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Wynne Lab

Total Views: 409 Last 7 days Views: 115

Let's see how many previous finalists the Wynne Prize selection panel have tapped.

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Archibald Lab

Total Views: 526 Last 7 days Views: 123

The Archibald Prize has in 2024 (for the first time) started capturing on their labels whether finalists have been selected in prior years. Let's look deeper.

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What can be done with ChatGPT and the data in Art Prizes?

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Top finalists since 2020

Total Views: 1698 Last 7 days Views: 122

Updated on 20/6/2024 I've been observing art prizes closely in the past 4 years and this is a list of the top 13 finalists from 2020 - 2024.

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Multi-finalists as of 2023

Total Views: 3159 Last 7 days Views: 124

This list will be updated periodically during the year with Australian art prize multi-finalists.

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Spotlight on the Collie Art Prize

Total Views: 3180 Last 7 days Views: 119

What makes an art prize pop? What is it that brings it into the top 10 for brand recognition? Every prize outside the top 10 wants to do better, but what is ‘better’?

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Top prizes by prize money

Total Views: 3053 Last 7 days Views: 114

There's more to a prize than prize money, but nevertheless it is interesting to see the top prizes by AUD$.

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For the longest time I’ve wanted to visit the home of the John Villiers Outback Art Prize (also known as the JVOAP) in the outback. This is the last remaining art prize to be held in outback Australia.

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2022 Landscape Prize finalists

Total Views: 3236 Last 7 days Views: 135

You might think that finalists in one landscape prize would also be finalists in a high number of other landscape prizes in any given year. However, unlike with portrait prizes, the number for landscape prizes is quite small - i.e. less than 7.

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Prize finalists Portraiture

Total Views: 3286 Last 7 days Views: 121

How did finalists in the big portrait prizes of 2022 fare in the other portrait prizes in the same year?

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Prizes no more

Total Views: 2705 Last 7 days Views: 113

This list consists of over 600 prizes that appear to no longer be calling. Updated October 2023

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CV Assistant

Total Views: 3438 Last 7 days Views: 143

Update your cv with the correct titles for art prize finalist exhibitions using our CV Assistant.

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Generative Art by AI

Total Views: 3578 Last 7 days Views: 118

Images with alt tags are scooped up by AIs and then mixed and spun into unique images seeded by words. It has long term implications for graphic artists and photo libraries.

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2022 Multi-finalists as of 1 December

Total Views: 5292 Last 7 days Views: 133

Updated up to December 1 with multi-finalists of Australian art prizes.

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Advertising Metrics

Total Views: 3088 Last 7 days Views: 89

To our future and current advertisers

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2021 Prizes scanned for finalists

Total Views: 3722 Last 7 days Views: 123

Each year we scan the finalists for art prizes in Australia. Here's the list of prizes for 2021.

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Final take of multiple prize finalists for 2021

Total Views: 3940 Last 7 days Views: 114

We continue to track finalists and winners of Australian visual arts prizes. The table below shows which artists have been selected as a finalist in multiple prizes this year.

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2021 November tally of repeat finalists

Total Views: 3836 Last 7 days Views: 139

We've updated the listing of Australian art prize finalists (2021) and there are new multi-prize finalists to see.

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2021 Multi-finalists Australian Art Prizes

Total Views: 4517 Last 7 days Views: 119

So far, 69 artists have been selected as finalists across two or more Australian Art Prizes in 2021. Here is a table listing them.

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NFTs are changing the art market paradigm

Total Views: 3924 Last 7 days Views: 120

Collectors of digital art (NFTs) are able to collect more NFT artwork than traditional collectors because there are no costs for displaying/storing digital artworks.

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Digital Artists Stream It

Total Views: 4167 Last 7 days Views: 128

But WTF is an NFT?

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Visually show your exhibitions

Total Views: 3986 Last 7 days Views: 125

You're a visual person so why not show your exhibition history graphically? Let me show you how.

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Top 7 prize finalists for 2020

Total Views: 4049 Last 7 days Views: 121

From our dataset of art prize finalists we have 7 artists who were selected as finalists the most in 2020.

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Most prize exhibitions in 2020

Total Views: 3636 Last 7 days Views: 90

Which artists were shown in the most art prize finalist exhibitions for 2020?

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Biggest winners in Australian Art Prizes

Total Views: 4761 Last 7 days Views: 108

We've been experimenting with alternative visualisations for database. Out of this came a visualisation of most prize winners of Australian art prizes.

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Artists appearing in the same prize on 2 or more occasions

Total Views: 3433 Last 7 days Views: 102

Some prizes have a high repeat rate of artists selected for the finalists' exhibition. This finding is based on our analysis of all the finalists for a given art prize in a given year.

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Bias in judging art prizes

Total Views: 4497 Last 7 days Views: 116

I think the concept of bias is something that art prizes as an industry should be talking about openly rather than backing away from it.

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Art market disruptors gather pace

Total Views: 4144 Last 7 days Views: 96

Online galleries offer artists more opportunities for sales and promotion than ever just as the Federal Government loses interest in the visual arts and the COVID-19 keeps everyone out of physical galleries.

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Cancelled Art Prizes

Total Views: 4948 Last 7 days Views: 107

In response to the COVID-19 a growing number of prizes have either been cancelled or postponed. I've also confirmed with a number of prizes that they are still proceeding.

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